Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - The Final Chapter

One of my favorite things in this life is to tuck my son into bed and ask him about his day.  It happens less now because he is 13 and often stays up later than me or doesn't want a mother's comfort.  On my birthday this year, he tucked me in.  It was my favorite gift.  It's a ritual which involves three questions that help me know what is most important to him and where his head is at.  What was the best part of your day?  The worst?  What is your hope for tomorrow?

My favorite part of 2010 was the arrival of my very opinionated and absolutely beautiful niece - Lara.   She was an unexpected surprise.  Joy.  Hope.  Spice.  Laughter.

My lease favorite part of 2010 was watching my son navigate the rocky waters of adolescence.  He has said that everyone knows Seventh grade is the hardest year.  I am praying that he is right.

My hope for 2011 is that patience, forgiveness and kindness are the fruits of my spirit.

Goodbye 2010.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 - Part II - Are you bored yet?

I keep thinking that 2010 needs some major sum up before I can begin 2011.  But who wants to hear my thoughts (which are mostly complaints) about a year that was not my favorite.  The fact is that as 2011 begins, the mess remaining from 2010 will be carried into the year, despite any resolutions or "new attitudes" I promise to adopt.  So if last year's theme was change, both welcome and unwelcome, and my trying to go on as if nothing was different (denial) then this year will inevitably start with:

a)  my continued displeasure and airing of my complaints to anyone that can't run away fast enough
b)  my continued denial that life actually affects me
c)  my philosophical take on things which will include both real and summoned thoughts
d)  my willingness to change my response to the changes that will continue to occur regardless of my acknowledgement of their existence or impact
e)  other

Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 Part I

Four more days of 2010.  This year has been an unsettling year as years go.  Difficult, uncomfortable, challenging.  These years are needed in our lives, though rarely desired.  They are the years where what we know to be true and real no longer seems to be either.  The status quo would remain without them.  I only like the aftermath of years like 2010, not the journey.  I guess I'm just not that evolved yet.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


I would like to welcome you to blog #4.  Practice makes perfect, right?  One day, when I am ready, I want to be a writer.  A real writer that submits stories and gets paid.  Someone that travels the world and fills the canteen of creativeness in my soul and then pours it all onto paper.  Until then, I guess I will keep starting blogs and write for a while, then stop for a while and then start another blog.