As we are working on the new fence tonight, we could hear the sound of a basketball dribbling, shooting, dribbling across the rode. Of course Alex, with his radar for people, noticed. He said "after we finish with this fence I thought I might go meet that kid." This from the child who said he refused to meet or like any people from College Station. So nonchalantly we said "sure, go ahead."
He comes back in 15 minutes without comment. I ask him how it went and he replies "They are really nice." Me, "How old is he?" Alex, "Eleven." I can tell I'm going to have to drag this out of him and then he begins to talk as if he forgot his vow of silence and hatred toward anything CS.
Turns out, the people across the street used to live in our old neighborhood. We didn't know them well but as we would walk through the neighborhood and they would walk through the neighborhood we would often stop and talk. Sometimes for 5 minutes and sometimes for 30. They moved out about 8 years ago. I always liked her and we had this ease around each other that I find so rarely with people that I don't know well.
I'm excited and thankful for this gift.
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